Page name: X-men Rp Smut Giveaway 2013 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-01-07 07:12:42
Last author: Duredhel
Owner: Duredhel
# of watchers: 14
D20: 4
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X-men Rp Smut Giveaway 2013

1. We have a sign up list here, people decide which of their chars they want to participate (one per player) and add it to the list.
2. I roll two chars on the list randomly. If one character has already been picked, I roll again.
3. I do porny sketch/drawing of the characters randomly rolled out. (If we get two girls or two guys, I'll only draw it if both players are ok with it).
4. If any player has ONLY underaged characters and wants to sign them up, they can but they'll be represented as adults.
5. If anyone who is participating has issue with any other characters participating, or anything in general, feel free to PM Figgs or me.

So have at it!

Sign Ups;

1. Sasaiya (with her scars please!)
2. Lire
3. Daniela
4. Kiora
5. Faro

1. Mihir
2. Rene
3. Anthony
4. Justin
5. Tim

Pair 01!: Kiora and Tim! -
Pair 02!: Lire an Anthony! -
Pair 03!: Daniela and Mihir! -
Pair 04!: Faro and Rene! -
Pair 05!: Sasaiya and Justin! -

Back to X-men RP

Username (or number or email):


2013-12-12 [Figgy]: .... what? XD

2013-12-12 [Flisky]: I hadn't actually thought of that...but now I am....

2013-12-12 [Lirerial]: Ok, seriously I am loving this conversation. I swear the rest of the people in the waiting room must think I'm crazy

2013-12-12 [The Black Goat]: ahh right ^^' oh well lol

2013-12-12 [Duredhel]: Uhhm... 9 watchers and 6 people :O.
I'll start rolling on this on friday so I can work on it during the weekend 8>
Whoever hasn't signed up by then missed their chance if they wanted porn.

2013-12-12 [The Black Goat]: Porn! =D

2013-12-12 [~Valkyrie~]: I've never drawn Kiora as any older than Maybe 18...I think I'd like to see this...

2013-12-12 [twitchboy]: and full..... damn

2013-12-12 [Duredhel]: Er... full? You just add a number, mate.

2013-12-12 [twitchboy]: im sorry dur, atm i am on 48 hours without sleep

2013-12-12 [CuteCommander]: Smuuuuuuuut! What happens if we have an odd number? 3-way? :D

2013-12-12 [Evolution X]: The loneliest handshake.

2013-12-12 [Flisky]: Solo action smut is still smut...right?

2013-12-13 [The Past]: ...I am tempted to put Tim up, hehe.

2013-12-13 [Evolution X]: Psychic porno.

2013-12-13 [Figgy]: ... hahahaha the things one could do with a skull.

2013-12-13 [The Past]: Could be a little uncomfortable without using his powers, hehe. He doesn't exactly have any soft edges.

2013-12-14 [Figgy]: Erm... the deadline for this was sort of tonight, so if anyone else wants in, I suggest signing up now.

2013-12-14 [The Past]: I even it out :B no threesomes, sorry guys ;)

2013-12-14 [The Black Goat]: could tim use his ability to project a body or make it feel like he has one to the other person

2013-12-14 [Flisky]: Like a force field...only body shaped...that would be neat...

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